

Welcome to RedBar's official blog 'Collectors' Perspective'.

Macro Monday: MB&F HM9

Macro Monday: MB&F HM9

This week we have the sleek HM9 in an Atom Moore macro so perfectly lit you can almost feel the texture of its grade-5 titanium curves. With a dynamic aesthetic evocative of a jet engine this complex design is unmistakably a MB&F creation. MB&F (Maximilian Büsser & Friends) is one of the better-known avant garde designers in the horological industry. A collection of minds known for creating pieces from beyond the confines of cultural and corporate norms, they once again have found a way to bring the familiar and new together to create a visual universally appealing to those with an affection for all thing horological.

If you can’t get enough of this piece, check out this MB&F video celebrating its creation:

RedBar Roundup: 1/6/19 - 1/12/19

RedBar Roundup: 1/6/19 - 1/12/19

RedBar Roundup: 12/30/18 - 1/5/19

RedBar Roundup: 12/30/18 - 1/5/19